First Halal Laboratory Inaugurated in The Philippines

In a bid to tap on the thriving global Muslim market, the Philippines’ pioneering halal laboratory has been inaugurated. Located in Koronadal City (Southern Mindanao), the Philippine National Halal Laboratory and Science Center is a one-stop centre which aims to develop locally-made products that are compliant to internationally accepted standards.

Image credit: Philippine Information Agency

Established by the Department of Science & Technology (DOST), this facility will follow the Standard and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) halal standards in areas such as product testing. The state-of-the-art building will also ensure halal product integrity and serve as a research and development hub to boost the Philippines’ halal sector.

Numerous industries will benefit from the establishment of this halal laboratory. Food and beverage manufacturers and producers, food service outlets and caterers, food distributors and suppliers, food importers and exporters and pharmaceutical manufacturers are just some niche groups that will be impacted.

Despite being a country with a Muslim minority, the Philippines is investing great effort in presenting herself as a Muslim-friendly destination for all. In return, this will gain the trust and confidence of halal consumers, notably those from Islamic countries, and serve a wider global Muslim population.

Hang tight, the Philippines might just be the next Muslim-friendly destination for you to escape to! For a country comprising over 7,000 islands, surely there will be no shortage of things to do.

Also readThe Ultimate 5-Day Cebu Itinerary: Halal Food, Mosques and More!

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About Author

Nur Sofia

When she isn’t plotting her next solo trip, Sofia daydreams about Santorini sunsets, Cape Town coasts and Barcelona’s beaches. Born and bred in Singapore, she feels like her heart belongs to the world though. There is a high chance you'll find her munching on Nutella cupcakes while predicting the next blindside on Survivor.

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