UK Mosques Go Plastic-Free For Ramadan 2019

“It was estimated that our mosque distributes an average of 800 to 1,000 bottles every evening during Ramadan, which generates a shocking amount of plastic waste.” – A spokesperson of Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham.

During Ramadan, it is a common practice for mosques to distribute plastic water bottles to congregants every night before Tarawih prayers. This will see hundreds of plastic water bottles, cups, plates and cutlery used. On average, the UK uses 13 billion plastic bottles a year, of which 7.7 billion are water bottles.

Image credit: Birmingham Mail

To combat this large wastage, many British mosques have implemented a more eco-friendly iftar campaign this year. Muslims will break their fast by using reusable cutlery and water bottles. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is also garnering the support of more mosques and Muslims to join the campaign.

“We’re glad therefore that many mosques are leading the way by banning plastics at mosques. The MCB hopes many more will get involved and ensure their congregations opt for an eco-friendly approach. We all must play our part in protecting the Earth,” – Harun Khan, Secretary General of MCB.

Image credit: York Mosque

York Mosque & Islamic Centre has introduced reusable cups, plates, cutlery and branded water bottles as part of its no single-use plastics policy to minimise the environmental impact of plastic waste. Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham is going green by introducing drinking water fountains to act as filling stations and selling branded reusable water bottles at subsidised costs.

Image credit: Ibrahim Rahman

The UK’s green Ramadan initiative comes after the recent opening of Europe’s first eco-friendly mosque, the Cambridge Central Mosque at Mill Road.

In a bid to make the most out of this holy month, let’s remember to do our part for the environment and not contribute to unnecessary wastage. After all, Islam always advocates for the responsible use of Earth’s finite resources.

Also readCambridge Central Mosque, Europe’s First “Green Mosque” Opens

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