Muslim On-The-Go: 6 Essentials You Must Have in Your Day Bag

Day bags come in all shapes and sizes. Most Muslims who are constantly on-the-go would find that a small bag suffices in helping them get through the day. Some Muslim women might prefer bigger bags, while some Muslim men have the amazing ability to fit everything they need into their big pockets.

Whether you’re a student, working professional or even a busy parent, every Muslim’s bag and its contents are probably their most prized possessions. Packed with all things big and small, it’s important to never forget certain essentials to help you power through the day. 

To ensure you can lead your kickass productive lives, we’ve rounded up the top things Muslims need to have in their day bag.

1. Prayer essentials

foldable sejadah and telekung
Image credit: Swing Store (left), zaahara (right)

Despite the hectic lifestyle most Muslims live, it’s important to not miss out five daily prayers. Hence, it’s great to always have your prayer essentials with you wherever you go! Muslim women should pack in a travel telekung (prayer dress) while Muslim men may find the need to pack a kain solat (prayer cloth). For the Muslimahs already in hijab, you might find that carrying hand and foot socks around would suffice to get you ready for prayers.

Also read: The Prayer Parka: A Practical Prayer Dress For Muslimahs


2. Perfumes and Makeup

minyak attar

Islam encourages good hygiene and cleanliness, teaching us to always be conscious of the way we present ourselves to others. Once upon a time, attar (essential oil perfume) was considered one of the most treasured material possessions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Many Muslims take cues from the Prophet by carrying this along. Because it comes in a tiny bottle, it’s easy to take with you and also quick to apply.

unzipped makeup bag

For Muslimahs who wear makeup, bring some items along for touch-ups! A quick lipstick reapplication or a sweep of powder fixes those moments when makeup is looking slightly messy from eating or after taking wudhu.


3. Pocket Quran

person holding quran

Reading the Quran is said to soften the hardened hearts and clean dirty hearts. Having a pocket Quran that you can whip out at any time of the day can be a true life-saver. In the middle of a hectic day, reciting the Quran has the ability to relieve you of the stress and anxiety that you’re facing in daily life.

The same can be said for listening to Quranic recitations or reading Quranic verses from a mobile apps like Muslim Pro, iQuran or Quran Majeed.


4. A Book

person holding book

If you prefer reading the Quran during more private moments, pick up other reading material to get you through those long and dreary train rides to and fro home. Instead of spending those rides hooked onto your phone, getting through a book is a much more productive and meaningful way to spend your time. After all, the constant attitude for learning is highly encouraged in our religion.

Also read: 6 Islamic Books Muslim Millenials Should Read


5. Reusable Bag

foldable grocery bag
Image credit: chriss

This is one many of us are guilty of missing out. With the plastic pollution being a hot button issue these days, Muslims are reminded to be more mindful in managing their waste especially the use of plastic. Hence, bringing along a reusable shopping bag whilst grocery-shopping is the perfect way to become eco-friendly Muslims! 

There’s also the added incentive since supermarkets islandwide are increasingly charging for single-use plastic bags. Many of these bags come in thin, easy-to-compress cloth material that’s foldable and doesn’t take up much space in your day bag.


6. Reusable utensils

wooden utensils

If you’d love to go one step further in being an eco-friendly Muslim, throwing in metal or wooden utensils and straws in your day bag is a great habit to inculcate. This reduces the need to use disposable utensils whenever you pack your food or dine at restaurants.

Also read: Islam and the Environment: The Importance of Being an Eco-Friendly Muslim


These items might seem insignificant, but you’ll be surprised at how much incorporating these small items benefits a Muslim’s daily life! Not only do they ensure you get through your days smoothly but also are little tips to helping you become a better, more productive Muslim.


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